I am trying to deploy Dokku 0.10.4 on EC2 (ubuntu) and I'm not succeeding (I'm using a Mac). I followed all the installation steps in the manual but no joy
Basically, I get a Permission Denied when I git push myclient_ec2 master
My setup is as follows:
Host myclient_ssh
Hostname example.com
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/AWS_ID.pem
[remote "myclient_ec2"]
url = [email protected]:myapp
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/dokku/*
The installation sequence was as follows
ssh -i ~/.ssh/AWS_ID.pem [email protected] wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dokku/dokku/v0.10.4/bootstrap.sh
ssh -i ~/.ssh/AWS_ID.pem [email protected] sudo DOKKU_TAG=v0.10.4 bash bootstrap.sh
ssh -i ~/.ssh/AWS_ID.pem [email protected] rm bootstrap.sh*
ssh -i ~/.ssh/AWS_ID.pem [email protected] apps:create myapp
git remote add myclient_ec2 [email protected]:myapp
cat ~/.ssh/AWS_ID.pem | ssh myclient_ssh "sudo sshcommand acl-add dokku [description]"
Also tried changin to
[remote "myclient_ec2"]
url = dokku@myclient_ssh:myapp
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/dokku/*
git push myclient_ec2 master
to no avail
The problem was that I expected dokku installation to use the public key from my Amazon account for setting up the git repository. That isn't possible or didn't work. In any case, setting my public ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub key for the dokku git solved the issue. The following command does that