I am building a Steroid.js/PhoneGap App. I have successfully installed steroids CLI on my computer and am able to create steroids projects using the command.
steroids build {project_name}
My app requires Facebook Auth which I'm trying to implement via the Steroids integrated Facebook Plugin (ios) guide. As per the instructions I am able to generate a QR code for my app using the command
steroids connect
Once I scan the QR code with the AppGyver scanner app I am able to update the deploy app via the command
steroids deploy
But when I go to AppGyver Cloud Services as per the instructions in deploying to cloud services it says.
You have not built any of your apps to the AppGyver Cloud yet
Am I missing something?
As harsa_ suggested,
simply logging in the correct account should fix this issue.
Simply run
and then
and everything should work correctly. The two main reasons this happens is because you're either:
1) Logged in in another account
2) You're not logged in