I try to create a lab Windows 10 or Windows Server in a lab account with PowerShell but he doesn't found any image except when I put : Image = 'Centos-Based ' he creates a lab with centos-based 8.1 my code please :
# Create a Lab with Windows server
$la = Get-AzLabAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -LabAccountName $LabAccountName Write-Host "$LabAccountName lab account created or found."
#param (
$LabName = Read-Host ' Name of Your lab '
$Image = Read-Host ' Name of Your lab '
$Size = Read-Host ' Size of Your lab '
$InstallGpuDriverEnabled = $false
$UserName = Read-Host ' UserName of Your lab '
$Password = Read-Host ' Password of Your lab '
$UsageQuotaInHours = 10
$SharedPasswordEnabled = $false
$idleGracePeriod = 15
$idleOsGracePeriod = 0
$idleNoConnectGracePeriod = 15
$TemplateVmState = "Enabled"
$img = $la | Get-AzLabAccountGalleryImage | Where-Object {$_.name -like $Image} | Select-Object -First 1
if(-not $img -or $img.Count -ne 1) {Write-Error "$Image pattern doesn't match just one image."}
Write-Host "Image $Image found."
begin { }
process {
try {
foreach ($la in $LabAccount) {
$labAccountUri = (ConvertToUri -resource $la)
$createUri = $labAccountUri + "/createLab"
$labUri = $labAccountUri + "/labs/" + $LabName
$environmentSettingUri = $labUri + "/environmentsettings/default"
$sharedPassword = if ($SharedPasswordEnabled) { "Enabled" } else { "Disabled" }
$imageType = if ($Image.id -match '/galleryimages/') { 'galleryImageResourceId' } else { 'sharedImageResourceId' }
InvokeRest -Uri $createUri -Method 'Post' -Body (@{
name = $LabName
labParameters = @{
$imageType = $Image.id
password = $Password
username = $UserName
userQuota = "PT$($UsageQuotaInHours.ToString())H"
vmSize = $Size
sharedPasswordState = $sharedPassword
templateVmState = $TemplateVmState
idleShutdownMode = $idleShutdownMode
idleGracePeriod = "PT$($idleGracePeriod.ToString())M"
enableDisconnectOnIdle = $enableDisconnectOnIdle
idleOsGracePeriod = "PT$($idleOsGracePeriod.ToString())M"
enableNoConnectShutdown = $enableNoConnectShutdown
idleNoConnectGracePeriod = "PT$($idleNoConnectGracePeriod.ToString())M"
installGpuDriverEnabled = $gpuDriverState
} | ConvertTo-Json) | Out-Null
$lab = WaitProvisioning -uri $labUri -delaySec 60 -retryCount 120
WaitProvisioning -uri $environmentSettingUri -delaySec 60 -retryCount 120 | Out-Null
return $lab
catch {
Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -EA $callerEA
end { }
$lab = $la | New-AzLab -LabName $LabName -Image $img -Size $size -UserName $userName -Password $password -UsageQuotaInHours $usageQuota | Publish-AzLab
Write-Host "$LabName lab doesn't exist. Created it."
Regarding the issue, please update the expression as
Where-Object {$_.name -like "Windows 10*"}
.For exmaple