Deploy Django project on IIS via Helicon Zoo

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I have been struggling to have an existing Django project (Graphite webapp it is) on windows IIS via Helicon Zoo. So far I really just guess and try on every step but still can't make it work. Could anyone point me to any helpful manual or article? Thanks very much.

Django project: Graphite-web - yes, managed to port Graphite carbon, whisper and webapp on windows, but webapp now is only runnable with runserver

Win8 64bit, Python2.7 32bit and grahpite.settings is in c:\graphite\webapp\graphite




There are 1 answers


We tried to install Graphite webapp out of curiosity and my colleague managed to do this (while I lost my patience collecting all Graphite requirements).

  • So to install it first you need to install "Zoo -> Templates -> Python project" in the location where you want this web site. Request is so all startup scripts did their job and virtualenv is created so you should see welcome Python project page.

  • Now copy all your Graphite files into this web site's folder. When you asked to overwrite some files please be wise, like don't overwrite web.config file as it is needed.

  • Modify prefix line in setup.cfg as follows:

    prefix = $APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH

  • Modify <environmentVariables> section of web.config as follows:

    <environmentVariables> <add name="VIRTUAL_ENV" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%.env" /> <add name="PATH" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv\Scripts;%PATH%" /> <add name="PYTHONPATH" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv\lib\site-packages;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv\lib;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\webapp\graphite" /> <add name="DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" value="settings" /> <add name="ERROR_LOG_DIR" value="log" />

(sorry for formatting, it is all stackoverflow)

  • Then launch Start->Helicon->Zoo->Helicon Zoo Manager, select your web site and click on either Start IDE or Start Web Console button to start console for the virtualenv of the web site. Please use this console to run all python commands so the virtualenv is used.

  • Run "python install" using Zoo console.

  • Now the hardest part - download and install Graphite webapp requirements. Some of them may be installed using "pip install" command (don't forget to use Zoo console for it. Others require to be downloaded separately and have some pre-historic installers that can be user only for global installations. Many of them can then be copied under web site virtualenv manually so you can even restore Zoo application portability. Or leave it as is if you don't plan to move application to another server.

After that you should be able to run Graphite with " runserver" from Zoo console. If it works then it should work as IIS web site from Zoo as well.

If you have further questions please contact Helicon Tech support