I have an RTF document with defined page settings:
In my app I use a TRichEdit
to show the document.
The TRichEdit
has a TPanel
as its Parent
, and is using Align=alClient
and AlignWithMargins=True
I set the Panel's Width
to 16840 * PixelsPerInch/1440
(1123 pixels) and I see that is equal to the page's width, as shown in MSWord (scale=100%).
Setting the RichEdit's Margins
to 794 * PixelsPerInch/1440
(53 pixels), the Width
of the RichEdit is smaller than it must be, or the margins are bigger than they must be (compared with MSWord).
No borders, no other margins, except what I set in code:
function pixelsOf(prop : string) : integer;
i,j,l : integer;
result := -1;
l := length(prop);
i := pos(prop,s);
if i > 0 then begin
j := i+l;
while s[j] in ['0'..'9'] do inc(j);
result := round(strToIntDef(copy(s,i+l,j-i-l),-1)*PixelsPerInch/1440);
paperW := pixelsOf('\paperw'); // pixelsOf() calcs twips*pixelsPerInch/1440
PanelPreview.Width := paperW;
Lm := pixelsOf('\margl');
RichEdit1.Margins.Left := Lm;
Rm := pixelsOf('\margr');
RichEdit1.Margins.Right := Rm;
Tm := pixelsOf('\margt');
RichEdit1.Margins.Top := Tm;
The value of paperW
gives the correct Panel width (compared with MSWord), but the values of Lm
and Rm
give bigger margins, so the RichEdit becomes narrower.
How can I calculate the correct margins so the RichEdit has the same layout as MSWord?
This maybe helps. I noticed that :
leaves a space about 10 pixels at the left side (the rendering is starting after this space). Is there a parameter that can be fix this other than margins.left ?TRichedit
doesn't render any table wider than its width (MSword do this adjusting the margins). So the TRichedit trancates everything outside its margins.
The result of the above is that the left margin seems wider than must be and truncates the right side of the table if it is winder.