Delphi SOAP Server exception unknown SOAP action

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I have to write a SOAP server to serve a given client. The client requests cannot be changed, so the server has to adapt to the client. IDE is Delphi XE2, the result is a standalone .exe. Its my first project in delphi, so please apologize if I missed some fundamentals.

The client requests a SOAP action e.g.

<soapenv:Body><login xmlns=""><username xmlns="">User</username><password xmlns="">pass</password></login></soapenv:Body>

The server throws an unknown soap action exception "". The WSDL shows the SOAP action as

<operation name="login">
<operation xmlns="" soapAction="" style="rpc"/>

Is the '#' delimiter between namespace and method name causing the trouble? If it does, how can I tell delphi to use '#' as a delimiter when comparing the requested SOAP action? Or is it any other problem I'm running in?

Any help welcome!

Regards Dieter


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