Class completion in Delphi is a big time-saver, but I haven't found a way to customize it.
I would like a getter and setter for a property to be grouped together instead of being thrown all over my unit; The interface part is generated properly, but the implementation section becomes a mess if you leave things up to the IDE. I want methods to be ordered like this by default:
function TAaa.getAaa();
procedure TAaa.setAaa();
procedure TAaa.Baa();
function TAaa.getCow();
procedure TAaa.setCow();
procedure TBbb.getAaa()
I want the implementation section to be in the same order as the interface;
I want the body of a generated method to look something like this:
procedure TMyClass.MyProc;
{ TODO -oWouter -cimplement autogenerated stuff : implement Procedure MyProc() }
raise Exception.create('procedure TMyClass.MyProc() is not yet implemented');
Are there tools around to do this, or is it needed to dive into the opentools API to get something like this done?
Related question: In what order does Class Completion put its results?
The Modelmaker Code Explorer (MMX) has a sorting tool. The tool sorts class members in the interface and the implementation. The 4.05 version, I'm using, does not support your kind of sorting. However, the Modelmaker website contains a page that shows the most up to date sorting functionality and it appears they extended the sort functionality with many new options. Maybe you can group your getter/setter methods with their latest MMX tool. Handy functionality:
The MMX sort functionality will do that. After you execute the sort, the interface and implementation will be in the same order.
The MMX [add new method] will automatically add a customizable code stub to your method's body. Parameters are supported in the code stub, but I have not seen the list of supported parameters. Here is a sample
procedure TForm1.NewMethod;
// TODO TForm1.NewMethod default body inserted