Delphi hangup when I try to set TClientDataSet.Active to true

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I am following a the tutorial Delphi Labs: DataSnap XE - Multitier Database Application. It is straight forward and I choose to use only http instead of tcp. In the client application I set sqlconnection.connected to true without any problem and I set the provider name of the client dataset component. But when I try to set active to true of the TClientDataSet I get the whole Delphi XE8 IDE hangup until I close the server, what is the problem ?


There are 1 answers

zac On

Found the problem the table is more than 50K records

the PacketRecords is automatically set to -1, meaning that a single packet should contain all records in the dataset.

When I set it to something like 50 I was able to open the clientdataset instantly