I'm not sure how i would capture the row selected by a mouse click and then press a button to delete that selected row in a stringGrid in delphi.
procedure DeleteRow(Grid: TStringGrid; ARow: Integer);
i: Integer;
for i := ARow to Grid.RowCount - 2 do
Grid.Rows[i].Assign(Grid.Rows[i + 1]);
Grid.RowCount := Grid.RowCount - 1;
procedure TManageUsersForm.RemoveRowButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
Recordposition : integer;
UserStringGrid.Options := UserStringGrid.Options + [goEditing];
UserStringGrid.Options := UserStringGrid.Options + [goRowSelect];
So the first procedure is for deleting a row and the second makes sure when a user clicks a cell the whole row is highlighted not just that 1 cell.
The mouse click is the most important part!!
Thank You :)
The mouse click is not the most important part. Users can select a row either by keyboard or mouse, it doesn't matter, you'd just want to delete the current row. In the case of a mouse click, or otherwise, you can get the current row by
.Call it like;