I am using angular 4 along with Webpack and Yarn as a package manager. Started my project using JIT and trying to move to AOT using ngtools/webpack. when trying to build my project using :
yarn build
I get the Error:
ERROR in window is not defined
I have removed all the window references from my project to make sure the error doesn't occur in my project. my conclusion is that it happens in an external module I am loading. Can't tell which though because the error message seems to be broken. Tried including it in all kind of different ways followed mainly by those Questions : Expose jQuery to real Window object with Webpack , https://stackoverflow.com/a/28989476/2823310 but nothing works for me at the moment.
I think that this code:
var globalWindow = {};
globalWindow.$ = globalWindow.jQuery = require("jquery");
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
window: globalWindow
is the way towards the solution but it produces more of the same problems :
ERROR in document is not defined
How can I make a global reference to the window object before one actually exists (AOT - ahead of time should not really know a real window object). Is it possible that AOT with angular 4 and webpack isn't mature enough yet ? because there isn't much information about it across the web.
seems really related to this topic : window is not defined using Angular4 + AoT + Webpack2 but it wasn't answered.
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In angular application you need to inject window as it not be understandable inside your component. you can inject it in your constructor by
@Inject(WINDOW) private window: any
entire constructor