Okay so I have the following code in one file. This is only partial code from EasyPost the easy shipping api
$created_rates = \EasyPost\Rate::create($shipment);
$availableRates = array();
foreach($created_rates as $rate){
$fedexR = str_replace("FEDEX_", " ", $rate->service);
$displayS = str_replace("_", " ", $fedexR);
$displayP = $rate->rate;
$availableRates[] = $displayS;
$_SESSION['displayRates'] = $availableRates;
This then sends the user to the next step in selecting a shipping method, they are displayed like so:
<?php foreach($_SESSION['displayRates'] as $rate): ?>
<option value="<?php echo $rate; ?>"><?php echo $rate; ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
This submits to the following page:
$_SESSION['shipping_method'] = $_POST['shippingRate'];
$shipment = \EasyPost\Shipment::retrieve(array('id' => $_SESSION['shipment_id']));
$_SESSION['shipment_label_url'] = $shipment->postage_label->label_url;
echo $_SESSION['shipment_label_url'];
How do I send the selected shipping rate with the EasyPost API to tell it to buy postage for that shipping method? I see
And I tried doing this:
But the resulted in the rate not being sent at all.
BTW, the session is the actual word like "GROUND" not a number. Not sure how I can achieve this, but I must if I want it to work at all!
The shipment has a rate filter on it called lowest_rate. You can pass args to it like carrier name and service name. Something like: