I have this Javascript in my HTML and I would like do change the font with a other Javascript code.
This is the script I use that shows a sentence by hour.
day = new Date()
hr = day.getHours()
if (hr == 1) document.write("You can also work at night!")
if (hr == 2) document.write("Go on! You can still push it!")
if (hr == 3) document.write("Go go go, do not give up now!")
if (hr == 4) document.write("Are you tired? pussy!")
if (hr == 5) document.write("It's after 5.. just go and work some more, sleeping is almost usless now")
if (hr == 6) document.write("Goodmorning! You made it true the night. Now GO GO GO!")
if (hr == 7) document.write("Goedemorgen, het is 7 uur geweest.")
if (hr == 8) document.write("Stay awake!")
if (hr == 9) document.write("It's after 9! School starts! GO GO GO")
if (hr == 10) document.write("Take no koffiebrake.")
if (hr == 11) document.write("Hurry! Morning is almost finnised!")
if (hr == 12) document.write("Damn! half of the day is alreddy gone! You are not working fast enouth!")
if (hr == 13) document.write("No no, if you are a real good student you don't take brakes!")
if (hr == 14) document.write("The morning is alreddy over, time is tikking!.")
if (hr == 15) document.write("Go and get your coffie, drink it behind your computer so you wont't lose anney time!")
if (hr == 16) document.write("No 4 o'clock for you! You still have no musch work to do!")
if (hr == 17) document.write("What do you want to eat? Think quiq, lose no time!")
if (hr == 18) document.write("Eat faster!")
if (hr == 19) document.write("And back to work! To much stuff to do for tomorrow morging.")
if (hr == 20) document.write("Take a koffie end procide")
if (hr == 21) document.write("Eavening is almost done, have you finnised enouth work?")
if (hr == 22) document.write("Stay strong, you can still finisch some work. Keep you focus.")
if (hr == 23) document.write("It's nog that late yet, you dont need 9 hours sleep you pussy!")
if (hr == 0) document.write("Come on you can still do it, finish that last parts!")
Then I would like the outcome to be styled by this rainbow Javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
function toSpans(span) {
var str=span.firstChild.data;
var a=str.length;
for(var i=0; i<a; i++) {
var theSpan=document.createElement("SPAN");
function RainbowSpan(span, hue, deg, brt, spd, hspd) {
RainbowSpan.prototype.moveRainbow = function() {
if(this.hue>359) this.hue-=360;
var color;
var b=this.brt;
var a=this.length;
var h=this.hue;
for(var i=0; i<a; i++) {
if(h>359) h-=360;
if(h<60) { color=Math.floor(((h)/60)*b); red=b;grn=color;blu=0; }
else if(h<120) { color=Math.floor(((h-60)/60)*b); red=b-color;grn=b;blu=0; }
else if(h<180) { color=Math.floor(((h-120)/60)*b); red=0;grn=b;blu=color; }
else if(h<240) { color=Math.floor(((h-180)/60)*b); red=0;grn=b-color;blu=b; }
else if(h<300) { color=Math.floor(((h-240)/60)*b); red=color;grn=0;blu=b; }
else { color=Math.floor(((h-300)/60)*b); red=b;grn=0;blu=b-color; }
this.span.childNodes[i].style.color="rgb("+red+", "+grn+", "+blu+")";
<script type="text/javascript">
var r1=document.getElementById("r1"); //get span to apply rainbow
var myRainbowSpan=new RainbowSpan(r1, 55, 0, 255, 50, 200); //apply static rainbow effect
myRainbowSpan.timer=window.setInterval("myRainbowSpan.moveRainbow()", myRainbowSpan.speed);
I have no idea how to combine these scripts. Who can help?
A way to do this would be refactoring your original code and then simply invoking the changes
This piece of code would create an expected span with some data in a targetElement on your webpage, and the result can then be past to the RainbowSpan constructor
like this
I added a small snippet to show how you could do it