Can Notepad++ be configured to recognise only spaces as word delimiters?
Currently, in the string "hello!" she said., it places word boundaries like this: "|hello|!" |she |said|.. I want it to place them like this: "hello!" |she |said.
Scintilla (the system underlying N++) defines which characters to treat as word delimiters. N++ itself can't redefine them, but the NppExec plugin can temporarily set them for the current open tab.
So, install NppExec, go to Plugins>NppExec>Execute... and enter sci_sendmsg 2077 0 @" "
Put whichever characters you want to be delimiters between the quotes.
Discussion here:
Go to
.Select the option to
Add your character as part of word
and enter the chars you want to be treated as alphabet, in your case chars like:"!,.
Although, this is usually good to add some special chars as white list, but you may want to have a black list or vise versa. anyway, you can add many chars as you need.