I would know how define a params in a variable to use it in another method
In my controller i have result page and contact page, i want store the search params from result page in variables and get them in my contact page method to not duplicate form fields
My result page
def result
if params[:room_type].present? && params[:location].present? && params[:nb_piece].present?
@biens = Bien.near(params[:location], 1, units: :km).where(room_type: params[:room_type], nb_piece: params[:nb_piece])
@users = User.where(id: @biens.reorder(:user_id).pluck(:user_id), payer: true) || User.where(id: @biens.reorder(:user_id).pluck(:user_id), subscribed: true)
I want store this params in my other method,like that i will need to ask only email and phone in my form
def contact
wufoo(params[:location], params[:room_type], params[:nb_piece], params[:email], params[:phone])
My wufoo
def wufoo(adresse, type, pieces, email, phone)
require "net/http"
require "uri"
require "json"
base_url = 'https://wako94.wufoo.com/api/v3/'
username = 'N5WI-FJ6V-WWCG-STQJ'
password = 'footastic'
uri = URI.parse(base_url+"forms/m1gs60wo1q24qsh/entries.json")
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
request.basic_auth(username, password)
'Field7' => adresse,
'Field9' => type,
'Field12' => email,
'Field11' => phone,
'Field8' => pieces
response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme =='https'){
puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON[response.body])
It depends on how a user goes from search to contact. I assume that the contact form is linked off the search, and that they want to contact you regarding the information in the last search.
A simple method here would be to store the last search within the session, and just reference that.