I have this problem, I created a JWE in node.js using node-jose by this way:
const keystore = [
kty: 'oct',
kid: 'QLdRkgyMx_po0fPo5XnOzQQB4iTcyay36m_PA62SBiw',
k: 'A-OAikjssQZeLkj8N_2Xb9qPBG6lSq10YeLbiTF-kQuM_qKy08jwFqQwsLzn9fmNPkayM9uRg1lHBrPoK_fGtQ'
const ks = await jose.JWK.asKeyStore(keystore);
const rawKey = ks.get(keystore[0].kid)
const key = await jose.JWK.asKey(rawKey);
const jwe = await jose.JWE
.createEncrypt({format: 'compact'}, key)
According to the documentation it is created with "alg": "PBES2-HS256+A128KW", "enc": "A128CBC-HS256",
and if I check it in jwt.io, it is.
Then, I need to decrypt in golang, so I do like this using go-jose.v2:
package main
import (
const jweRaw string = "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzI1NitBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiUUxkUmtneU14X3BvMGZQbzVYbk96UVFCNGlUY3lheTM2bV9QQTYyU0JpdyIsInAyYyI6ODE5MiwicDJzIjoiaVktZEdKaWtYbUZCdXMwRFp5eHdIQSJ9.QkuIGmPojLDX-wpTVTjZRnA093fJRVM6OHkpmoQeyLubahOABg62WQ.z6dm86nWHcWgzmPXiuk0kg.7mOgYF6d9hgfXtTj9RUv7BNuYH-jBAs8px0boOFj1mke_JPetIT44yY7ceffFRfS2QYc6RQMtTvb7vdMArkqeB483g3-tcoCGWxafOb0VfVQHrPTdjpGMLF-9uIJw9z5.RA0Dn-B_Y3kvXYRvVTiNFQ"
const kid string = "QLdRkgyMx_po0fPo5XnOzQQB4iTcyay36m_PA62SBiw"
const k string = "A-OAikjssQZeLkj8N_2Xb9qPBG6lSq10YeLbiTF-kQuM_qKy08jwFqQwsLzn9fmNPkayM9uRg1lHBrPoK_fGtQ"
func main() {
jwe, err1 := jose.ParseEncrypted(jweRaw)
if err1 != nil {
fmt.Println("jwe", jwe)
bytes, err2 := jwe.Decrypt(jose.JSONWebKey{Algorithm: "PBES2-HS256+A128KW", Use: "A128CBC-HS256", KeyID: kid, Key: k})
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Println("bytes", string(bytes))
But it panics "panic: square/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive" You can check it here: https://play.golang.org/p/qB3QNtGwBsK
I already tried with https://github.com/lestrrat-go/jwx but, it doesn't support PBES2-HS256+A128KW algorithm
UPDATE: here's more information:
They key in node was created with this:
const keystore = await jose.JWK.createKeyStore()
const key = await a.generate('oct', 512)
Then the output was saved in this array:
const keystore = [
kty: 'oct',
kid: 'QLdRkgyMx_po0fPo5XnOzQQB4iTcyay36m_PA62SBiw',
k: 'A-OAikjssQZeLkj8N_2Xb9qPBG6lSq10YeLbiTF-kQuM_qKy08jwFqQwsLzn9fmNPkayM9uRg1lHBrPoK_fGtQ'
I've been trying create the same JWE with the same JWK in golang and I can decrypt in golang, but neither in node (I got a "key not found" error)... So, cross decrypting doesn't work for me. What am I doing wrong?
is a base64url encoded representation of the octet key, unless the go interface specifically mentions passing keys inJWK
format, which it doesn't, you need to provide the raw key.base64url.decode()
to get the raw key bytes.Also, as a sidenote,
is intended to be used with passwords, not keys, given it's computationally heavy i'd recommend a different key wrapping algorithm (not a symmetric passphrase based one). You can use asymmetric crypto to encrypt for a recipient. And if you also want to achieve authentication of the message, don't use key wrapping at all, use the Direct Key Agreement from JWE instead.