Declare Consumer and action with it in one line

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Experimenting with my code I was wondering is there any way to "compress" it more (one-liner is an ultimate goal).

vanilla java:

public void setUsingSwitch(Field field, String value) {
    switch (field) {
        case FIRST_NAME:
        case LAST_NAME:
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Unknow field " + field);


public void setUsingConsumer(Field field, String value) {
    Consumer<String> setter = field == FIRST_NAME ? this::setFirstName : field == LAST_NAME ? this::setLastName : v -> {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Unknow field " + field);

For both used:

public static enum Field { FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME }

void setFirstName(String value) { }

void setLastName(String value) { }

Of course it is just scientific interest for me but is there any way to write even smaller code?


There are 4 answers

Tagir Valeev On BEST ANSWER

Here's an alternative approach which is not shorter, but sometimes preferable:

import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

public class MyObj {
    public static enum Field {

        Field(BiConsumer<MyObj, String> setter) {
            this.setter = setter;

        final BiConsumer<MyObj, String> setter;

    public void set(Field field, String value) {
        field.setter.accept(this, value);

    public void setFirstName(String s) {...}
    public void setLastName(String s) {...}
Holger On

Since you revealed that you actually don’t have an enum, a more general solution may look like this:

class Person {
    public void setFirstName(String value) {
        // …
    public void setLastName(String value) {
        // …
    static final Map<String,BiConsumer<Person,String>> FIELDS;
    static {
        Map<String,BiConsumer<Person,String>> m=new HashMap<>();
        m.put("FirstName", Person::setFirstName);
        m.put("LastName", Person::setLastName);
    public void setField(String field, String value) {
        FIELDS.getOrDefault(field, (k,v)->{ throw new NoSuchElementException(); })
              .accept(this, value);

By the way, since you said “business logic”, I recommend the following read: “Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names

ytterrr On

Here's what I came to the end with Optional:

Field field = FIRST_NAME;

        field == FIRST_NAME
                ? this::setFirstName
                : field == LAST_NAME
                        ? this::setLastName
                        : null).orElseThrow(IndexOutOfBoundsException::new)

Although I'm not sure that writing it in one line is a good thing. Or even using it instead of simple switch.

Harmlezz On

Given your initial design, I guess you want to enum all possible setters for a Person. Further it seams as if you want to collect the Field to set and the value and afterwards call the proper setter. This is my solution preserving your design goals:

public enum Field {

        public void setValue(String value, Person person) {

        public void setValue(String value, Person person) {

    public abstract void setValue(String value, Person person);

public class Person {

    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;

    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;

    public void clearUsingConsumer(Field field, String value) {
        field.setValue(value, this);