I am having issues getting node/vscode to map remote break points on ubuntu with a local windows ms edge / chrome.
Remote server node v18.18.0
.js serverd from ${workspaceFolder}/subdir/myproject/public
Local Vscode, edge (both latest)
1.connect vs code over aws ssm - OK
2.setup debug attach cfg in launch.json
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"name": "Attach to Remote",
"address": "",
"port": 9229,
"localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/subdir/myproject", // note also tried full path
"remoteRoot": "/home/user/mywrkspace/subdir/myproject/"
step 3. vscode integrated terminal
node --inspect= src/app.js
// full path /home/user/mywrkspace/subdir/myproject/src/app.js
output: Debugger listening on ws://
NB: breakpoints show in red <- note
step 4. ms edge > edge://inspect/#devices > configure > target discovery settings
n.n.n.n:9229 <- server public ip ~ allowed in firewall all ip
Remote Target #n.n.n.n <- as above
src/app.js file:///home/user/mywrkspace/subdir/myproject/src/app.js <- matches above
open dedicated DevTools for node
can see log from server same as in vscode terminal
NB: no files show under sources > workspace
step 5. run url in edge -> no breakpoints as expected
step 6. attach vscode debugger
"name": "Attach to Remote",
output: Debugger attached.
NB: breakpoints show in gery <- HERE is the problem
step 7. run url in edge -> no breakpoints as expected with greyed out breakpoints
Given I can see the server logs on the inspect tab the connection looks OK. What have I missed to get the breakpoints to map.
NB: at some point in the last days i did get the connection to work but since then the server config has changed so much I hav no idea what is was when it as working.
I would also like to extend this to working in nuxt3 ssr: false
if possible