I read the book Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design I really liked the approach to use DDD together with CQRS and Event Sourcing. But I have one question. How to use DDD\CQRS\Event Sourcing can I get historical data? For example. I would like to write a service that provides weather information. The client can request from service historical data. For example, Snapshot of weather in London in the last year, with the step one hour for drawing graphics and client can subscribe to real-time data for updating already constructed graphics. Question. How do I use DDD\CQRS\ES approach to send historical data to the client who has requested them. I can not send the event directly to the message bus, because the service may have several clients and not all clients need these data.
I would like to show in the client something like this.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to request the data. Within CQRS there is a seperation between retrieving the data (through Queries) and writing/adjusting the data (through Commands). Everytime you whish to change the data (through a Command), you fire an event and save it to your EventStore. You can use a Projection to make a presentation you want for the data, you can even save this in another database.
I'll try to eleborate on your example:
It might be possible to leave the other database out, but it could be an solution to present queries quicker, because this database (with its replicas) is only responsible for reads within your app, while your eventstore does all the heavy lifting (writes).