Datomic: Case insensitive query

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I am new to Datomic and I am trying to understand how I would go about doing a query that is case insensitive.

For Example:

[:find (pull ?u [:user/email])
     :where [?u :user/email "[email protected]"]]


{:user/email "[email protected]"}

I would like this query to return the same value for an email specified as "[email protected]" but Datomic is doing a case sensitive comparison on email as seen here.

[:find (pull ?u [:user/email])
     :where [?u :user/email "[email protected]"]]



Any suggestions on the best way to form the query so it does a case sensitive comparison?


There are 2 answers

Jeff Slavin On

To perform a case insensitive query I formed the query using the Clojure re-find function to perform a case insensitive regular expression match against the passed email as follows:

  [:find (pull ?u [:user/email])
  [?u :user/email ?email]
  [(re-find #"(?i)[email protected]" ?email)]
  ] db)

This now returns:

   {:user/email "[email protected]"}
woryzower On

Just convert query string and database item to lowercase.

   (defn case-insensitive-get-email
      (d/q '[:find ?lowercaseEmail .
             :in $ ?email
             [?e :user/email ?originalEmail]
             [(.toLowerCase ^String ?originalEmail) ?lowercaseEmail]
             [(= ?lowercaseEmail ?email)]]
      db (.toLowerCase email)


(case-insensitive-get-email "[email protected]")

will return

"[email protected]"