Daterangepicker dates are wrong

186 views Asked by At

I am using this daterangepicker but somehow it displays wrong dates. For example: Today it is the Sunday, 22th November 2020, but the daterangepicker says the 22th Novemeber 2020 is a Monday. Example

and here is my configuration:

  "locale": {
      "format": "D. MMM YYYY",
      "separator": " - ",
      "applyLabel": "OK",
      "cancelLabel": "Abbrechen",
      "fromLabel": "Von",
      "toLabel": "Bis",
      "weekLabel": "W",
      "daysOfWeek": [
      "monthNames": [
      "firstDay": 0
   "minDate": moment(),

There are 1 answers

Raphael Wirnsberger On

I solved it. It was obviously my fault. By default, Sunday is the first day of the week, so I had to put Sunday first in the daysOfWeek array, not Monday.