I am trying to concatenate all the id values present in "fields" Array in a single variable.
"jobName":"C##-#9-00057 Demand QA 1.1",
"files": [{
"id": "1JdVXF4EDI2if6kxTSTsYlYhmADeXZQf3",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.google-apps.folder"
"id": "1KeYyslxo4ezNeuEdN4XrXrWvfaaKKvXU",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.google-apps.document"
"id": "1Poh5FMry692_0iFfmdcwtqT6RxeeoOt0",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.google-apps.folder"
"id": "1NFQ_89UzVlLYduquZ4hsch4dB65h6fkv",
"mimeType": "application/zip"
The above is my input payload.
I am trying below Dataweave expression
%dw 2.0
output plain/text
var FileorFolderIds = ""
payload.files map (Sample, indexOfSamples) ->{
FileorFolderIds = FileorFolderIds ++ ',' ++ Sample.id
but giving me error.
Expected output:
FileorFolderIds = 1JdVXF4EDI2if6kxTSTsYlYhmADeXZQf3, 1KeYyslxo4ezNeuEdN4XrXrWvfaaKKvXU, 1Poh5FMry692_0iFfmdcwtqT6RxeeoOt0, 1NFQ_89UzVlLYduquZ4hsch4dB65h6fkv
like the above
@Count Boxer is close but doesn't quite have expected output and I believe it can be further simplified.