I try to use array type column in dataprep and it is look good in dataprep display ui as the picture below. But when I run job output with .csv file, there are invalid value in the array column. Why does the .csv output different from dataprep display?
Dataprep : Invalid array type after run job to excel file
51 views Asked by Warisa At
It looks like these two columns each contain the complete record...? I also see some non-English characters in there. I suspect something to do with line breaks and/or encoding.
What do you see if you open the CSV file in a plaintext editor, instead of Excel?
What edition of Dataprep are you using (click Help => About Dataprep => see the Edition heading)?
What version of Excel are you using to open the CSV file?
Assuming that this is a straight-forward flow with a single dataset and recipe, could you post a few rows of data and the recipe itself (which you can download), for testing purposes?