I am currently using DatabaseCleaner
in my Rails project with PostgreSQL running, and set it up as below.
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:suite) do
DatabaseCleaner.clean_with(:truncation, { pre_count: true, reset_ids: true })
config.before(:each, js: true) do
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation
config.before(:each) do
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction
config.before(:each) do
config.after(:each) do
in one of my rails test suite, I printed out id of an instance. I assume it should be relatively small number since clean_with(:truncate) suppose to clear db and run vacuum on it. but it gets increased every time I run the test.
test passes and it doesn't matter what sequence it uses. but why clean_with(:truncation)
doesn't work in a way it should?
====== EDIT ======
this is in the scope of RSpec test. I understand sequence numbering has no impact on performance, but expensive cleaning (:truncation) on each :suite and use cheap and quick cleaning (:transaction) does. so I want to understand why clean_with(:truncation)
does not reset id for me to obtain clean db state before running test suite.
That's how the database works.
As you can see,
for database cleaner meanstruncate
. Hope that makes sense.EDIT -- missed the question completely.
The reason
wouldn't work is a low postgresql version. Find out your version withpsql --version
, and from the database cleaner source you need 8.4 or higher.I'm running 9.3.5, which works fine.
To make sure, database cleaner works fine too.
It resets the serial columns.