Data signing with Azure KeyVault and SHA1 hashing algorithm

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I’m storing my private key in the Azure KeyVault using the command.

Add-AzureKeyVaultKey -VaultName vault-name -Name myprivatekey –KeyFilePath cert.pfx -KeyFilePassword $securepfxpwd

I have set up a KeyVault client application as it is described here:

Then I’m using Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault (0.9.1 – prerelease version) package to access it from my C# code. I can get the key and sign data using the key. It works fine.

My problem is that I have to use SHA1 hashing algorithm when signing data. And it seems that it is currently not supported. This is the list of the hashing algorithms from the code constants: RS256, RS384 ,RS512, RSNULL.

Are there any options or workarounds in my case to perform signing using Azure KeyVault and SHA1 hashing algorithm?


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