I have a Java program that communicates with various devices to retrieve data via serial communication. I'm using the jSerialComm library for this purpose.
However, when I retrieve data from a particular device using this Java program, the data appears to be corrupted.
Surprisingly, when I use a C# program without any external libraries to retrieve data from the same device, the data is received correctly, without any corruption.
The device configuration settings are as follows:
Port: COM3
BaudRate: 2400
Parity: EVEN
Databits: 7
Stopbits: 1
In my Java program, I'm using the jSerialComm library, while in the C# program, I'm not utilizing any external libraries.
My Java program can successfully detect and retrieve normal data from other devices using the same communication settings. The data corruption issue seems to be specific to this particular device.
I have compared the logs from both programs and observed that the C# program consistently receives the expected data, whereas the Java program consistently receives corrupted data from this specific device. I have also attempted to modify the baud rate and parity settings in the Java program, but the issue persists.
Java Program Connect Device:
SerialPort[] serialPorts = SerialPort.getCommPorts();
for (SerialPort port : serialPorts) {
if (DEVICE_PORT.equals(port.getSystemPortName())) {
bolFound = true;
serialPort = port;
try {
log.info("Opening port '" + DEVICE_PORT + "'...");
log.info("Connecting to device '" + DEVICE_NAME + "'...");
Java Data listening:
public int getListeningEvents() {
public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) {
switch (event.getEventType()) {
log.info("XXX default");
public void readComm() {
log.info(AppConfig.getInstance().getProperty(AppConfig.KEY_TEST_PORT, String.class) + " Reading Comm...");
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[1024];
try {
inputStream = serialPort.getInputStream();
int len = 0;
while ((len = inputStream.read(readBuffer)) != -1) {
log.info("Real Time Response:" + new String(readBuffer, 0, len));
value += new String(readBuffer, 0, len);
log.info("value:" + value);
if (isDataReady) {
// process data
value = ""; //reset data
} catch (IOException e) {
Java Program Log File:
2023-11-09 10:38:58.165 INFO 21320 [Thread-117 thread] h.h.c.v.l.BaseListener : Trying to init Test Listener (COM5)...
2023-11-09 10:38:58.350 INFO 21320 [Thread-117 thread] h.h.c.v.l.BaseListener : Opening port 'COM5'...
2023-11-09 10:38:58.350 INFO 21320 [Thread-117 thread] h.h.c.v.l.BaseListener : Connecting to device 'Testing'...
2023-11-09 10:38:58.350 INFO 21320 [Thread-117 thread] h.h.c.v.l.BaseListener : Opening port 'COM5' Success
2023-11-09 10:38:58.350 INFO 21320 [Thread-117 thread] h.h.c.v.l.BaseListener : Connecting to device 'Testing' Success
2023-11-09 10:38:59.211 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : COM5 Reading Comm...
2023-11-09 10:38:59.215 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : Real Time Response:[
2023-11-09 10:38:59.217 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : value:[
2023-11-09 10:38:59.219 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : COM5 Reading Comm...
2023-11-09 10:38:59.221 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : Real Time Response:l
2023-11-09 10:38:59.222 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : value:[ l
2023-11-09 10:38:59.225 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : COM5 Reading Comm...
2023-11-09 10:38:59.227 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : Real Time Response:@ 1
2023-11-09 10:38:59.229 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : value:[ l@ 1
2023-11-09 10:39:00.215 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : COM5 Reading Comm...
2023-11-09 10:39:00.215 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : Real Time Response:{=Um%
2023-11-09 10:39:00.226 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : value:[ l@ 1{=Um%
2023-11-09 10:39:00.230 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : COM5 Reading Comm...
2023-11-09 10:39:00.232 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : Real Time Response:l
2023-11-09 10:39:00.232 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : value:[ l@ 1{=Um%l
2023-11-09 10:39:00.236 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : COM5 Reading Comm...
2023-11-09 10:39:00.237 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : Real Time Response: ,a
2023-11-09 10:39:00.238 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : value:[ l@ 1{=Um%l ,a
2023-11-09 10:39:00.241 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : COM5 Reading Comm...
2023-11-09 10:39:00.242 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : Real Time Response:
2023-11-09 10:39:00.243 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : value:[ l@ 1{=Um%l ,a
2023-11-09 10:39:01.202 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : COM5 Reading Comm...
2023-11-09 10:39:01.217 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : Real Time Response:
2023-11-09 10:39:01.217 INFO 21320 [Thread-120 thread] h.h.c.v.l.TestListener : value:[ l@ 1{=Um%l ,a
C# Program Connect Device:
string portName = "COM3";
int baudRate = 2400;
Parity parity = Parity.Even;
int dataBits = 7;
StopBits stopBits = StopBits.One;
_serialPort = new SerialPort(portName, baudRate, parity, dataBits, stopBits);
_serialPort.DataReceived += SerialPort_DataReceived;
C# Program Data listening:
Console.WriteLine("Serial port opened. Press Enter to stop reading.");
_logWriter = new StreamWriter("log.txt", true);
while (true)
if (_serialPort.BytesToRead > 0)
string data = _serialPort.ReadExisting();
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string logMessage = $"[{now}] Received data: {data}";
_logWriter.WriteLine($"[{now}] Received data: {data}");
_logWriter.Flush(); // Flush the buffer to ensure data is written immediately
C# Program Log File:
[09/11/2023 10:53:09] Received data: US,+000091.50 kg
[09/11/2023 10:53:09] Received data: US,+000091.50 kg
[09/11/2023 10:53:10] Received data: US,+000091.50 kg
[09/11/2023 10:53:10] Received data: US,+000091.50 kg
[09/11/2023 10:53:10] Received data: S
[09/11/2023 10:53:10] Received data: T,+171.4 cm
[09/11/2023 10:53:11] Received data: ST,+000091.50 kg
[09/11/2023 10:53:11] Received data: US,+0000
[09/11/2023 10:53:11] Received data: 91.50 kg
[09/11/2023 10:53:12] Received data: US,+000091.50 kg
[09/11/2023 10:53:12] Received data: US,+000091.50 kg
[09/11/2023 10:53:13] Received data: US,+00
[09/11/2023 10:53:13] Received data: 0091.50 kg
[09/11/2023 10:53:13] Received data: US,+000091.50 kg
My goal is to understand why the Java program using the jSerialComm library encounters data corruption only with this specific device, while it can successfully retrieve normal data from other devices. How to modify my Java program to receive the data correctly from this particular device?
Try like this: