I am trying to extract .DAT file using Quazip library in Qt 5.14. I integrated this quazip library into my project and try to extract files using it. .txt file is get extracted but .DAT file is not get extracted. .DAT files are created but it does not contain any data. Here is my source code
bool fileHelper::extractAll( QString folderPath, QString filePath ) {
QuaZip zip(filePath);
bool isSuccess = false;
for(bool f=zip.goToFirstFile(); f; f=zip.goToNextFile())
// set source file in archive
QString filePath = zip.getCurrentFileName();
QuaZipFile zFile( zip.getZipName(), filePath );
// open the source file
zFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
// create a bytes array and write the file data into it
//QByteArray ba = zFile.read()
QByteArray ba = zFile.readAll();
// close the source file
// set destination file
//QFile dstFile( getfileStoreRootDir()+filePath );
QFile dstFile( folderPath+filePath );
qDebug() << "dstFile :" << dstFile;
// open the destination file
dstFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text );
// write the data from the bytes array into the destination file
dstFile.write( ba.data() );
//close the destination file
//mark extraction sucess
isSuccess = true;
return isSuccess; }
Please tell me am I doing something wrong or any other extra flag or something is required for it.