I'm working on an app using a WeatherAPI. I currently fail to implement some working tests. I tried to follow ResoCoders Guide (https://resocoder.com/2019/11/29/bloc-test-tutorial-easier-way-to-test-blocs-in-dart-flutter/) and actually implemented all states, blocs (I used Cubit instead), classes, functions, ... almost the same.
This is my test's code:
blocTest<WeatherCubit, WeatherBaseState>(
'Cubit emits WeatherLoaded',
build: () {
return WeatherCubit(weatherRepository: mockWeatherRepository);
act: (WeatherCubit cubit) => cubit.getWeather(),
expect: () => [
temperature: temperature,
lat: lat,
lon: lon)
And that's my error massage from the debug console:
Expected: [Instance of 'WeatherLoaded']
Actual: [Instance of 'WeatherLoaded']
Which: at location [0] is <Instance of 'WeatherLoaded'> instead of <Instance of 'WeatherLoaded'>
WARNING: Please ensure state instances extend Equatable, override == and hashCode, or implement Comparable.
Alternatively, consider using Matchers in the expect of the blocTest rather than concrete state instances.
I tried to use a Matcher but did not quite get how to use it.
In case the problem lies here, my implementation of the WeatherCubit:
class WeatherCubit extends Cubit<WeatherBaseState> {
final IWeatherRepository weatherRepository; //IWeatherRepository is interface
WeatherCubit({required this.weatherRepository})
: super(LoadingWeather()); // I use LoadingWeather as initial state
Future<void> getWeather() async {
final Position location = await weatherRepository.determinePosition();
final WeatherData data = await weatherRepository.getWeather(
lat: location.latitude,
lon: location.longitude);
final WeatherLoaded weatherLoaded = WeatherLoaded(
temperature: data.temperature,
lat: data.lat,
lon: data.lon);
You can use the isA matcher if you are trying to test the type.
If you are trying to compare the values of the returned object you need to either use the Equatable package, or manually override the hashCode and == operator in your Cubit.