I'm using Dapper and Dapper.Rainbow for my ORM (well just switching to it from EF).
My tables have Guids/uniqueidentifiers as Id's.
I'm doing an insert using Dapper Rainbow and it is removing the Id param.
See line 62 of the Insert method... https://github.com/StackExchange/Dapper/blob/master/Dapper.Rainbow/Database.cs
/// <summary>
/// Insert a row into the db
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Either DynamicParameters or an anonymous type or concrete type</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual int? Insert(dynamic data)
var o = (object)data;
List<string> paramNames = GetParamNames(o);
string cols = string.Join(",", paramNames);
string colsParams = string.Join(",", paramNames.Select(p => "@" + p));
var sql = "set nocount on insert " + TableName + " (" + cols + ") values (" + colsParams + ") select cast(scope_identity() as int)";
return database.Query<int?>(sql, o).Single();
So although the method is marked virtual, how should I override it?
All the other required methods like GetParamNames are internal, so is it best just to clone and run my own version of Dapper.Rainbow?
Dapper.Rainbow has few limitations:
It expects Id's to be identities, so it removes them...
As an alternative, you can try Dapper-Extensions, which supports both, Integer and Guid primary keys. Or just use Dapper without additional CRUD extensions...