I am using dagre d3 for visualisation of data, making ordered diagram and I am stuck at setting up edges. Take a look at this piece of code where I am stucked
/*data has this template
level: type: label
f.e.: 0: call: label1 //child of root
1: call: label2 //is child of 0
2: call: label3 //is child of 1
2: exit: label4 //is child of 1
1: exit: label5 //is child of 0, does not have children
0: exit: label6 //is child of root, does not have children
function makeGraph(data){
//parsing data here, object from it looks like below saving to array named 'states'
//object = { id: id, level: par[1], type: par[2], label: par[3] };
var g = new dagreD3.graphlib.Graph().setGraph({});
g.setNode("root", { label: " ", style: "fill: #AAAAAA" }); //root node
states.forEach(function (state) {
g.setNode(state.id, { label: state.label, style: "fill: " + state.color });
if (state.level == 0) {
g.setEdge("root", state.id, { label: state.type });
} else {
//I can't find out how to set edges to parent here
//continuation of function with rendering
The diagram is ordered and have Root on top. From root node I managed to make edges from root to all nodes with level 0. Now I want to make edges from all those edges whose level are 0 and have children, then from edges whose levels are 1 and have children and so on. I've already tried something similar and saved this structure to json in C#, but I am not able to rewrite my C# code to javascript because I am javascript noob.
Why don't you create a DOT string and load that.
I created an example for your objects:
Create this DOT string in your C# code: