dagger 2 Subcomponent

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while Dagger implementation i have below error. please help me resolve it.

dagger/component/AppComponent.java:10: error: [com.example.testproject.app.dagger.component.PostLoginComponent.inject(com.example.testproject.view.photo.PhotoListActivity)] com.example.testproject.data.UserStore cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or from an @Provides-annotated method.

My understanding - I have created AppComponent and AppModule which is parent for PostLoginComponent and PostLoginModule (as they are subcomponent). photoListViewModel is injected in PhotoListActivity. photoListViewModel is provide by postLoginComponent and PostLoginModule.Now photoListViewModel need UserStore as dependency which is present in AppModule. So as per my understanding all object from parent module are available for child module. in this case UserStore from AppModule should be available for PhotoListViewModel in PostLoginModule.

But as per error UserStore is not provided.

abstract class AppModule {

    companion object {
        fun provideUserStore(context: Context): UserStore {
            return UserStore(context)

@Component(modules = [AppModule::class])
interface AppComponent {

    fun postLoginComponent(): PostLoginComponent.Builder

    interface Builder {

        fun bindData(context: Context): Builder

        fun build(): AppComponent

abstract class PostLoginModule {

    abstract fun bindViewModel(viewModel: PhotoListViewModel): ViewModel

    annotation class ViewModelKey(val value: KClass<out ViewModel>)


@Subcomponent(modules = [PostLoginModule::class])
interface PostLoginComponent {

    fun inject(activity: PhotoListActivity)

    interface Builder {

        fun build(): PostLoginComponent

class PhotoListActivity() : PostLoginActivity() {
    var adapter = PhotoListAdapter(
            PhotoItem("", "akash"),
            PhotoItem("", "akash"),
            PhotoItem("", "akash"),
            PhotoItem("", "akash")

    lateinit var factory: ViewModelFactory

    private val photoListViewModel: PhotoListViewModel by lazy {
        ViewModelProvider(this, factory).get(PhotoListViewModel::class.java)

    override fun setLayoutId(): Int? {
        return R.layout.activity_photo_list

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    private fun initView() {
        textView.setOnClickListener {
        rvPhotoList.initRecyclerView {
            it.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
            it.adapter = adapter
        adapter.setItemClickListener(OnRecyclerViewOnItemClickListener { parent, view, position -> })

    private fun getPhotoList() {

class PhotoListViewModel @Inject constructor(userStore: UserStore) : BaseViewModel() {

    fun getPhotoList(): List<PhotoItem> {

        return mutableListOf(
            PhotoItem("", "aher"),
            PhotoItem("", "aher"),
            PhotoItem("", "aher"),
            PhotoItem("", "aher")

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