Cyrillic characters in friendly URLs not working with IIS

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I am building a WordPress website which is hosted on Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS 7.5

For Fancy URLs I am using web.config file with URL Rewrite 2.0

The URLs like work fine. The problem is when I have Russian or any Cyrillic characters in url - ( likeсито-для-угля/ ) wordpress can't find the page.

Note: These URLs work fine in WAMP. Problem is when hosted in IIS 7.5

  • I have tried ISAPI Rewrite module for IIS too, but still same problem.
  • I have tried to disable any kind of rewriting ( url rewrite module and ISAPI rewrite module ) but still the Cyrillic characters in URL are received as ???-???-??? in my index.php file of wordpress.
  • Also I triedсито-для-угля, this gives me сито-для-угля correctly in index.php. Problem is only for friendly URLs.

So this seems to be IIS issue? Any one knows how to fix this?


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