I am encountering a particular problem while developing a webApp based on React + RTK Query. For this project I decided to use, as much as possible, a TDD approach using Cypress and its Component Testing.
The component to be tested is composed as follows.
import { useFetchDataFromRTKQ } from '../useGetDataFromRTKQ';
function MainContent() {
const {data} = useFetchDataFromRTKQ();
return (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)}</pre>
// testApi.js.js
export const testApiSlice = testServiceApi.injectEndpoints({
endpoints: (builder) => ({
// ...
getDataFromRTKQ: builder.query({
query: ({ uuid }) => ({
baseUrl: '/my-base-url',
url: `/test/${uuid}`,
method: 'get',
headers: { uuid },
// ...
// useGetDataFromRTKQ.js
import { testApiSlice } from '@Src/testApi';
const { useGetDataFromRTKQQuery } = testApiSlice;
export const useFetchDataFromRTKQ = useGetDataFromRTKQQuery;
In this situation, if the MainContent component calls the wrapped function that in turn calls the RTKQ hook, we have no problems and the Cypress test works as expected
// example.cy.js (stub works)
import * as useFetch from '../../useGetDataFromRTKQ.js'
describe('Test component testing ', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.mount(<MainContent />);
cy.stub(useFetch, 'useFetchDataFromRTKQ').returns({ data: mockedData }).as('useFetchDataFromRTKQ STUB');
it('useFetchDataFromRTKQ called without problem', () => {
Screenshot : cypressTestWorksCorrectly
Instead, if you decide to directly use the RTKQ hook in the MainComponent ( see code below), Cypress does not detect the hook invocation
// mainContent.js
import { testApiSlice } from '@Src/testApi';
const { useGetDataFromRTKQQuery } = testApiSlice;
export function MainContent() {
const {data} = useGetDataFromRTKQQuery();
return (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)}</pre>
// example.cy.js (stub NOT works)
import { testApiSlice } from '@Src/testApi';
describe('Test component testing ', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.mount(<MainContent />);
cy.stub(testApiSlice, 'useGetDataFromRTKQQuery').returns({ data: mockedData }).as('useGetDataFromRTKQQuery STUB');
it('useFetchDataFromRTKQ called without problem', () => {
Screenshot : cypressTestNotWorks
What could be the source of this problem?
Is there any way to directly stub RTKQ methods?
Thanks in advance