Cypher How to use variables in a query

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So, I have a tree of Person and I'm trying to query a subtree of a given node in the tree (root) and limit the subtree levels returned (max):

with "A" as root, 3 as max
match (a:Person {name: root})-[:PARENT*1..max]->(c:Person)
return a, c

But it's giving me this error:

Invalid input 'max': expected "$", "]", "{" or <UNSIGNED_DECIMAL_INTEGER> (line 2, column 44 (offset: 71))
"match (a:Person {name: root})-[:PARENT*1..max]->(c:Person)"

Both root and max will be an input, so in the code I've tried parameterizing those values:

result =
    match (a:Person {name: $root})-[:PARENT*1..$max]->(c:Person)
    return a, c
    {"root": "A", "max": 2}


code: Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError} {message: Parameter maps cannot be used in MATCH patterns (use a literal map instead, eg. "{id: {param}.id}

(Based on @nimrod serok's answer)

I guess, I can just sanitize the max and manually interpolate it into the query string. But I'm wondering if there's a cleaner way to do it.


There are 2 answers

nimrod serok On

One way to insert the parameters in the code is:

result =
    match (a:Person {name:''' + root +'''})-[:PARENT*1..''' + max + ''']->(c:Person)
    return a, c

or use the equivalent query, but with format:

result =
    match (a:Person)-[:PARENT*1..{}]->(c:Person)
    return a, c
    '''.format(max, root)

If you want to use the UI instead , you can use:

:param max =>2

As can be seen here

Parth On

One of the simplest ways is just to pass the values as strings in the query. You can achieve this by using the template literal.


result =
match (a:Person {name:'${root}'})-[:PARENT*1..'${max}']->(c:Person)
return a, c