Hey python friends.
Sorry for the long code. Am doing a pong hand tracking for a project and need a full screen, the full screen works but i have an error with
img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 0.2, imgBackground, 0.8, 0)
Regarding the background overlay the error is:
File "D:\Stage\Hand gesture\Pong - HT - TekAngel\pong.py", line 91, in start_pong
img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 0.2, imgBackground, 0.8, 0)
cv2.error: OpenCV(4.5.5) D:\a\opencv-python\opencv-python\opencv\modules\core\src\arithm.cpp:650: error: (-209:Sizes of input arguments do not match) The operation is neither 'array op array' (where arrays have the same size and the same number of channels), nor 'array op scalar', nor 'scalar op array' in function 'cv::arithm_op
The Scripts:
import cv2
import cvzone
from cvzone.HandTrackingModule import HandDetector
import numpy as np
import pygame
from tkinter import *
import time
# variable
detCon = 0.7 # detection confident ratio 0.1 to 0.9
hands = 2
width = 1280
height = 720
ball_pos = [640, 235]
speedX = 15
speedY = 15
gameOver = False
player_Left_Name = ""
player_Right_Name = ""
player_Right_Score = 0
player_Left_Score = 0
# cam setting
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
cv2.namedWindow("Pong New GEN", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
cv2.setWindowProperty("Pong New GEN", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)
# pygame object
# tknint object
root = Tk()
root.title("Pong Land Tracking")
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
# image import
imgBackground = cv2.imread("Resources/Background-EMD.png") # in full screen original size(720, 1280, 3)
imgGameOver = cv2.imread("Resources/gameOver.png")
imgBall = cv2.imread("Resources/Ball.png",cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
player_Left_paddle = cv2.imread("Resources/bat1.png",cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
player_Right_paddle = cv2.imread("Resources/bat2.png",cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
# sound music
point_effect = pygame.mixer.Sound('Sound/block.wav')
gameover_effect = pygame.mixer.Sound('Sound/hit_skill00.wav')
# handtracking object
detector = HandDetector(detectionCon = detCon, maxHands=hands)
def start_pong():
global ball_pos
global speedX
global speedY
global gameOver
global player_Left_Name
global player_Right_Name
global player_Right_Score
global player_Left_Score
global imgGameOver
player_Right_Name = player_Right_Name_entry.get()
player_Left_Name = player_Left_Name_entry.get()
while True:
_, img = cap.read()
img = cv2.flip(img, 1) # flip image
hands, img = detector.findHands(img, flipType=False) # display image
# overlay background image
img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 0.2, imgBackground, 0.8, 0)
# check for hands
if hands:
for hand in hands:
x, y, w, h = hand['bbox']
h1, w1, _ = player_Right_paddle.shape
y1 = y - h1 // 2
y1 = np.clip(y1, 25, 370)
if hand['type'] == "Left":
img = cvzone.overlayPNG(img, player_Right_paddle, (29,y1))
if 29+speedX < ball_pos[0] < 29 + w1 and y1 < ball_pos[1]< y1 + h1:
speedX = - speedX
ball_pos[0] += 20
player_Left_Score += 1
if speedX <= 95:
speedX += int(3)
# speedX 100 bug
if hand['type'] == "Right":
img = cvzone.overlayPNG(img, player_Left_paddle, (1190,y1))
if 1190 - 50+speedX < ball_pos[0] < 1190 and y1 < ball_pos[1] < y1 + h1:
speedX = - speedX
ball_pos[0] -= 20
player_Right_Score += 1
if speedX <= 95:
speedX -= int(3)
# game over
if ball_pos[0] < 18 or ball_pos[0] > 1200:
gameOver = True
if gameOver:
img = imgGameOver
cv2.putText(img, str(f'{player_Left_Score} | {player_Right_Score}').zfill(2), (562,360),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 2, (200,0,200), 5)
# move the ball
if ball_pos[1] >= 490 or ball_pos[1] <= 10:
speedY = - speedY
ball_pos[0] += speedX
ball_pos[1] += speedY
print(f"X={speedX} : Y={speedY}")
# draw ball
img = cvzone.overlayPNG(img, imgBall, ball_pos)
# display score
cv2.putText(img, str(f'{player_Left_Name} : {player_Left_Score}').zfill(2), (10, 650), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3, (255,255,255), 5)
cv2.putText(img, str(f'{player_Right_Score} : {player_Right_Name}').zfill(2), (800, 650), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3, (255,255,255), 5)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0x7F == ord('q'):
print("Exit requested.")
elif key == ord('r'):
speedX = 15
speedY = 15
ball_pos = [640, 235]
gameOver = False
player_Left_Name = ""
player_Right_Name = ""
player_Right_Score = 0
player_Left_Score = 0
imgGameOver = cv2.imread("Resources/gameOver.png")
# tkinter display x=width, y=height
initialize_bg = PhotoImage(file='Resources/title.png')
bg_label = Label(root, image=initialize_bg)
name_r = Label(root, text="Enter Right Hand Name : ", font=('impact', 10), fg='#585859')
name_r.place(x=50, y=130)
name_l = Label(root, text="Enter Left Hand Name : ", font=('impact', 10), fg='#585859')
name_l.place(x=50, y= 170)
player_Right_Name_entry = Entry(root, width=25, font=('impact', 10), fg='#585859')
player_Right_Name_entry.place(x=250, y=130)
player_Left_Name_entry = Entry(root, width=25, font=('impact', 10), fg='#585859')
player_Left_Name_entry.place(x=250, y=170)
start_game_bte = Button(root, width=15, text="Start Game", command=start_pong)
start_game_bte.place(x=300, y=280)
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()