CUURENT_DATE() in native query

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HI! family, I had something before, now I am using current date, in my native query, but I have nothing after execution

@Query(value="select * from operation where  date_operation  = CURRENT_DATE()", nativeQuery =true)
public Page<Operation> listByPageAndByMC(Pageable page);

after run, in hibernate journalise a have this : Hibernate: select * from operation where date_operation = CURRENT_DATE() limit ?, ? Hibernate: select count(*) from operation where date_operation = CURRENT_DATE()

this is my controller

public String peration(Model model) {
    Page<Operation> ops = operationDao.listPageOp(1, 10);

    model.addAttribute("operation", ops);

return "oper/operationday";

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