data_test is a vector that is populated by numbers with some NaN.
data_test = [NaN, 2, 3, 4, NaN,NaN,NaN, 12 ,44, 34, NaN,5,NaN];
I would like to cut data_test
according to the NaNs and create a cell array containing the pieces of data_set
in between NaNs.
data_cell{1}=[2 3 4];
data_cell{2}=[12 44 34];
at this point I need to filter these values (this is OK, just as an example the filtered values will be the same of data_test +1)
data_cell{1} -> data_cell_filt{1}
data_cell{2} -> data_cell_filt{2}
data_cell{3} -> data_cell_filt{3}
and put back the filtered values in data_test.
data_cell_filt{2} -> data_test
in order that data_test is
data_test = [NaN, 3, 4, 5, NaN,NaN,NaN, 13 ,45, 35, NaN, 6, NaN];
ps (data_test in my case is ~20000 elements)
You can do it easily with a loop or use
like this: