I made a plane that uses simplex noise to elevate some of the vertices. The elevated vertices represent areas I want to cut out of the plane (think swiss cheese). I need an actual geometry with holes, so no shaders.
How can I cut these holes out?
function NoisePlane() {
const meshRef = useRef();
const [widthSegments, heightSegments] = [100, 100];
const vertices = useMemo(() => {
const geometry = new PlaneGeometry(10, 10, widthSegments, heightSegments);
const simplex = createNoise2D();
const threshold = 0.5;
const positions = geometry.attributes.position.array;
for (let i = 0; i < positions.length; i += 3) {
const x = positions[i];
const y = positions[i + 1];
const z = positions[i + 2];
const noiseValue = simplex(x, y);
positions[i + 2] = noiseValue > threshold ? 0.5 : 0;
return geometry;
}, [widthSegments, heightSegments]);
return (
<mesh ref={meshRef} geometry={vertices}>
<meshBasicMaterial color={0x00ff00} wireframe />