I'm using the last version of Esri Leaflet with labels:
How can I customize the labels layer? For example, I'd like to change the font or the color.
I'm using the last version of Esri Leaflet with labels:
How can I customize the labels layer? For example, I'd like to change the font or the color.
You might use a vector tile service (Vector.Layer) as described in the API.
Then, you can create a custom vector basemap.
@camilo is right. if you snoop the web traffic you'll see that you are fetching mostly transparent cached raster tiles with labels burned in. because of this it's not possible to customize them on the client-side.
example: http://server.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Reference/World_Boundaries_and_Places/MapServer/tile/1/0/0