Quickie question: I'm toying with some of the new taskbar APIs in Windows 7 and have gotten Recent Items on my Apps jumplist to show up, but I would like to display them under a different title than the filename (most files my app will be opening will have very similar names). I don't see any way to do that with the IShellItem interface, though. Would I have to use custom categories and IShellLinks to accomplish this?
For reference, my current code looks like this:
void AddRecentApp(const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* title /* Can I even use this? */ ) {
hres = CoInitialize(NULL);
IShellItem* recentItem;
hres = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(path, NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&recentItem));
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
recentItemInfo.pszAppID = MY_APP_USER_MODEL_ID;
recentItemInfo.psi = recentItem;
SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_APPIDINFO, &recentItemInfo);
Figured it out. IShellItems are just a representation of a file, so they only will provide that file's information (no custom title, etc.) An IShellLink is essentially a shortcut, and is much more flexible in terms of display and actions taken when launched, so are more appropriate in this situation. Here's my new code: