Custom pipe not found error in microfrontend remote app

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Have created a microfronted app using the Module federation framework . Have exposed module of the remote microfrontend to the shell app . Have created a custom pipe in the remote module ,Have declared and export it as well from the remote app . Whenever I call the component of the microfrontend app directly the pipe works perfectly fine ,but when I call the same component from the shell app , then it is giving pipe not found error

Code of the custom pipe in remote app

@Pipe({name: 'exponentialStrength'})
export class ExponentialStrengthPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: number, exponent = 1): number {
    return Math.pow(value, exponent);

Remote app exposed module code

  declarations: [
  imports: [

  exports: [ExponentialStrengthPipe],

export class FeldNpModule {


Error when remote module component is called from shell app

 NG0302: The pipe 'exponentialStrength' could not be found in the 'DashboardComponent' component!. 

Can someone please help why exactly am i not able to call the pipe of the remote app from the shell app .


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