I added three new fields to my model (year, month, date). When I submit the form data isn't get populated. All those three custom attributes are null on submission.
I have asked this question before on implementing multiple fields for single property and I did what the answer suggested. What should I do. Here is my code.
User model:
class User extends CActiveRecord
public $month;
public $year;
public $day;
View file:
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model, "dob"); ?>
<?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'year', $model->getDobOptions('year')); ?>
<?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'month', $model->getDobOptions('month')); ?>
<?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'day', $model->getDobOptions('day')); ?>
Did you remember to set those fields as safe as well?
If you do not, this does not 'copy' the values over from the form to the model in the controller: