Custom emacs powerline themes

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I am trying to make my powerline have a custom color for the second section.

The code I am using is this:

(require 'powerline)

(defface my-pl-segment1-active
  '((t (:foreground "#3C3F41" :background "#3C3F41")))
  "Powerline first segment active face.")
(defface my-pl-segment1-inactive
  '((t (:foreground "#3C3F41" :background "#3C3F41")))
  "Powerline first segment inactive face.")

(defface my-pl-segment2-active
  '((t (:foreground "#4fddb0" :background "#4fddb0")))
  "Powerline third segment active face.")
(defface my-pl-segment2-inactive
  '((t (:foreground "#4fddb0" :background "#4fddb0")))
  "Powerline third segment inactive face.")

(defface my-pl-segment3-active
  '((t (:foreground "#3C3F41" :background "#3C3F41")))
  "Powerline second segment active face.")
(defface my-pl-segment3-inactive
  '((t (:foreground "#3C3F41" :background "#3C3F41")))
  "Powerline second segment inactive face.")

;; My custom powerline theme: see <> to get your own.
(defun my-powerline-theme ()
  "Setup the default mode-line."
  (setq-default mode-line-format
                   (let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
                          (mode-line (if active 'my-pl-segment1-active 'my-pl-segment1-inactive))
                          (face1 (if active 'my-pl-segment2-active 'my-pl-segment2-inactive))
                          (face2 (if active 'my-pl-segment3-active 'my-pl-segment3-inactive))
                          (separator-left (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
                                                          (car powerline-default-separator-dir))))
                          (separator-right (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
                                                           (cdr powerline-default-separator-dir))))
                          (lhs (list (powerline-raw "%*" nil 'l)
                                     (when powerline-display-buffer-size
                                       (powerline-buffer-size nil 'l))
                                     (when powerline-display-mule-info
                                       (powerline-raw mode-line-mule-info nil 'l))
                                     (powerline-buffer-id nil 'l)
                                     (when (and (boundp 'which-func-mode) which-func-mode)
                                       (powerline-raw which-func-format nil 'l))
                                     (powerline-raw " ")
                                     (funcall separator-left mode-line face1)
                                     (when (boundp 'erc-modified-channels-object)
                                       (powerline-raw erc-modified-channels-object face1 'l))
                                     (powerline-major-mode face1 'l)
                                     (powerline-process face1)
                                     (powerline-minor-modes face1 'l)
                                     (powerline-narrow face1 'l)
                                     (powerline-raw " " face1)
                                     (funcall separator-left face1 face2)
                                     (powerline-vc face2 'r)
                                     (when (bound-and-true-p nyan-mode)
                                       (powerline-raw (list (nyan-create)) face2 'l))))
                          (rhs (list (powerline-raw global-mode-string face2 'r)
                                     (funcall separator-right face2 face1)
                     (unless window-system
                       (powerline-raw (char-to-string #xe0a1) face1 'l))
                     (powerline-raw "%4l" face1 'l)
                     (powerline-raw ":" face1 'l)
                     (powerline-raw "%3c" face1 'r)
                     (funcall separator-right face1 mode-line)
                     (powerline-raw " ")
                     (powerline-raw "%6p" nil 'r)
                                     (when powerline-display-hud
                                       (powerline-hud face2 face1)))))
             (concat (powerline-render lhs)
                 (powerline-fill face2 (powerline-width rhs))
                 (powerline-render rhs)))))))


The basic problem I'm having is that the 'my-pl-segment2-active :background is affecting the text color and the color of the seperator. Is there a way to separate them?

Picture where 'my-pl-segment2-active :background is black: Black

Picture where 'my-pl-segment2-active :backgroune is the same as the foreground (#4fddb0): Same


There are 1 answers

Czipperz On
  1. You need to add an additional face, where the background represents the background color and the foreground does absolutely nothing.
  2. Declare it next to (face2 (if active 'my-pl-segment2-active my-pl-segment2-inactive)). (Ex: (newface (if active 'my-pl-fixed-face-active my-pl-fixed-face-inactive)))
  3. Then replace face1 in the lines that contain "separator" with the name of the new face (as you wrote in step 2.) (Ex: (funcall separator-right face2 face1) => (funcall separator-right face2 newface))