Custom binding handlers making validation message show on Add ? Knockout

310 views Asked by At

I been working on custom binding handlers to bind formatted value to my text-box and i'm pretty successful with that . Here i am adding a validation (required:true,number:true) on the same text-box i'm referencing to .

Binding Handler Code:

ko.bindingHandlers.autoNumeric = {
//my code goes here 

My binding handler code looks something like this

View :

<div data-bind="foreach:arraylist">
    <input type="text" data-bind="autoNumeric:$data.Amount" />

ViewModel :

self.add = function(){
self.arraylist.push(new myfun());

When i click on add i will add new row to the array with amount so here binding handler autoNumeric will also gets fired because of the binding and observable associated which in-turn will make my validation fire and display error message enter something which i want to avoid .

For validations i'm using validatedobservable inside to it using .extend({required:true}) .

Any interesting suggestions are appreciated .


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