I have a collection student
and I want this collection as list
in Python, but unfortunately I got the following error CursorNextError: [HTTP 404][ERR 1600] cursor not found
. Is there an option to read a 'huge' collection without an error?
from arango import ArangoClient
# Initialize the ArangoDB client.
client = ArangoClient()
# Connect to database as user.
db = client.db(<db>, username=<username>, password=<password>)
students = db.collection('students')
students = db.collection('handlingUnits').all()
[OUT] CursorNextError: [HTTP 404][ERR 1600] cursor not found
students = list(db.collection('students'))
[OUT] CursorNextError: [HTTP 404][ERR 1600] cursor not found
By default, AQL queries generate the complete result, which is then held in memory, and provided batch by batch. So the cursor is simply fetching the next batch of the already calculated result. In most of the cases this is fine, but if your query produces a huge result set, then this can take a long time and will require a lot of memory.
As an alternative you can create a streaming cursor. See https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/http/aql-query-cursor-accessing-cursors.html and check the
option. Streaming cursors calculate the next batch on demand and are therefore better suited to iterate a large collection.