I'm creating a site which uses Cufon and is particularly heavy in terms of page-weight due to a large amount of Javascript. Therefore I'm trying to load in the script asynchronously with head.js ( http://headjs.com/ ) like so:
head.js("http://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js", function() {
head.js("/js/libs/cufon-yui.js", function() {
head.js("/js/shared/Stag_Bold_700.font.js" , function() {
Cufon.replace('h1', { fontFamily: 'Stag Bold' });
So Jquery is downloaded first, the subsequent cufon lib file and cufon font are downloaded in sequence and then Cufon is finally called to replace the H1. Obviously, this is a trimmed down example with fewer replacements but this still doesn't work when just attempting to replace the H1.
The problem is that ONLY in Internet Explorer (6/7/8), the text is not replaced but I can see that Cufon has definitely been called. I can ascertain this because the tag has the class "cufon-active cufon-ready" added to it. When I inspect the markup using the IE Developer toolbar, the cufon/cufoncanvas tags are there inside the selected elements but are, for want of a better word, invisible.
In IE9, the script behaves as intended similar to Chrome and Firefox. I have tried adjusting the Cufon drawing engine and have updated to the latest 1.09i version for good measure. If I move the Cufon calling statements to the document ready event instead of loading asynchronously, it works but I am trying to optimize page load and my site will be using a number of Cufon fonts as well as many other JS plug-ins. I've also tried using both labs.js and head.js to load the appropriate files asynchronously.
I had the same problem - I addressed this by using the browser detection of head.js to do the following:
You could also use conditional comments (I didn't because I am also doing GZIP support detection in JavaScript and needed to adjust the scripts which are loaded dynamically.)
It's a hack, but should be useful enough until it's addressed within the library itself.
(I have also posted GIST with a more complete example here)