I installed saiku plugin 2.5 for pentaho 4.8.
followed the instructions here - Extracted Saiku to biserver-ce\pentaho-solutions\system
I then followed the instructions in the readme file
delete the following JAR files from saiku/lib/
- mondrian*.jar, olap4j*.jar, eigenbase*.jar (should be 1 mondrian, 2 olap4j, 3 eigenbase jar files)
- open saiku/plugin.spring.xml and remove the following line (about line #33):
<property name="datasourceResolverClass" value="org.saiku.plugin.PentahoDataSourceResolver" />
restart your server or use the plugin adapter refresh in http://localhost:8080/pentaho/Admin
thats it!
I created a cube using Schema workbench. a very simple cube
<Schema name="S1">
<Cube name="Scott1" visible="true" cache="true" enabled="true">
<Table name="EMP" schema="SCOTT" alias="">
<Dimension type="StandardDimension" visible="true" foreignKey="DEPTNO" name="Departments">
<Hierarchy name="Name" visible="true" hasAll="true">
<Table name="DEPT" schema="SCOTT" alias="">
<Level name="name" visible="true" column="DNAME" uniqueMembers="false">
<Measure name="employees" column="EMPNO" aggregator="count" visible="true">
<Measure name="Avg Salary" column="SAL" aggregator="avg" visible="true">
Now, I was able to publish the cube and view it in the Analysis View. The problem is I cant see in the Siaku Analysis window. There is nothing in the cube selection drop-down.
So I tried several things (some of them mentioned in this post)
- Restarted my bi server.
- Flushed mondrian cache.
- Moved my schema xml file to a new folder named Cube
. - Moved my entry to the top of the resources list in
Nothing. I would appreciate any guidance.
Windows 7, pentaho 4.8 stable build 5 , saiku plugin 2.5 , oracle 10g.
There is an unofficial fix for this. Note this might break things, particularly if using Mongo DB.
grab that
unzip it and then copy out the mondrian jar from
save it somewhere in case this breaks everything. then copy the jar in that zip file into the same directory remove the contents of pentaho-solutions/system/osgi/cache/
restart the server
You should now be able to see your EE data sources. Thanks to TB for this solution.