I am trying to export a table as CSV file in GCS bucket from Google Big Query console with export command, but facing issues with double quotes.
I want to export as csv but every column value should be surrounded with double quotes, i tried using various String functions such as FORMAT, CONCAT, REPLACE etc, but not able to get desired results.
I am trying to export as csv because only these formats are supported by Export command (CSV, JSON, Parquet, Avro) , even a plain text file is fine for me, but don't have that option and i need columns surrounded by double quotes and delimited by comma.
this is export command:
EXPORT DATA OPTIONS( uri='gs://bucket-name123/SOME-FILE-*', format='CSV', overwrite=true, header=false, field_delimiter=',')
SELECT CONCAT('\"',column1,'\"'), CONCAT('\"',column2,'\"') from `projectId.datasetId.TABLE_NAME` where column3 = true;
Data is getting exported successfully in GCS bucket , but i am getting 3 double quotes surrounding this column instead of 1 double quotes:
content of GCS exported GCS file is as below:
I am expecting this content format:
Any help or hint will be appreciated,
I have also tried FORMAT('%s',column1)
-- this function, but it also produces 3 double quotes
I also tried to hit EXPORT query as a job from Java Google BQ api, but same result.
I can't use "bq extract" because i want to only export limited columns, and extract don't have functionality to export limited columns, it exports whole table.
Don't add double quotes yourself. When you export to CSV from BigQuery, double quotes are added automatically, if they are needed, e.g. for multi-line strings and escaping double quotes (which is why you are seeing repeated double quotes in your output)
So you command should simply be:
Most CSV readers will be able to read the output format.