CSPack-created package file is missing \siteroot folder

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I am using cspack command to create cspkg as part of build. The command that I am using is

cspack.exe D:\StoreSimplePortal\StorSimple-Portal\src\StorSimple.CloudService\ServiceDefinition.csdef /out:StorSimple.CloudService.cspkg /role:StorSimpleExtension;D:\StoreSimplePortal\StorSimple-Portal\out\debug-AMD64\StorSimpleExtension /sitePhysicalDirectories:StorSimpleExtension;Web;D:\StoreSimplePortal\StorSimple-Portal\out\debug-AMD64\StorSimpleExtension /rolePropertiesFile:StorSimpleExtension;D:\StoreSimplePortal\StorSimple-Portal\src\StorSimple.CloudService\RoleProperties.txt

The build succeeds but /sitesroot folder is not created. Am I missing something here.


There are 2 answers

bornSwift On

The problem seems to occur when the site physical directory parameter is too similar to the role path parameter. Try altering the path parameter to:


Note the added '\' and lowercase directory name.

See this question for more details: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/014ce124-5ca6-46ce-b1ea-3d677a092f65/azure-sdk-16-cspack-command-line-tool?forum=windowsazuredevelopment

Don Lockhart On

Can you verify that the sitesroot is in the StorSimpleExtension directory? If it is not, verify that it is included in the .csproj file.