csom context credential security

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I have a task schedular in which i am connceting to sharepoint site and fetching some data using csom script c# and after processing sending the mails to users.

i am creating the context by passing user credential which are stored in app.config file as below code.

  ClientContext context = new ClientContext(siteUrl);
            context.RequestTimeout = int.MaxValue;
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = ((sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true);
            var credentials = new NetworkCredential(siteUserName, siteUserPassword, siteDomain);
            Web web = context.Web;
            context.Load(web, w => w.Title);
            context.Credentials = credentials;
            return context;

how we can store these credentials other than config file for security?


There are 2 answers

Pedro Gordo On

You can store the credentials in a database, and retrieve them when you want to create the ClientContext.

Jack Le On

You can store the credentials in Windows Credentials Manager, then use this library to get the ICredentials object

ICredentials credential = CredentialManager.GetSharePointOnlineCredential("site url");

By doing this, you let Windows handles the encryption and storing of username and password.