I have a report with this formula
{PRPC.PRGroup} = {?PRGroup} and
{PRPC.PRCo} = {?PRCo} and
{PRDT.EDLType} in ["D", "L"] and
{@AcctMth} in {?BegAcctMth} to {?EndAcctMth} and
{PRDT.EDLCode} = 1
My issue is with that final part
{PRDT.EDLCode} = 1
I now have a need for the report to also show "2", "3", "4" and "7" if they happen to have data against them. I attempted a simple 'OR' operator and it does populate, but the amount should be 461 and instead its 150k odd. The month parameter above relate to payroll months. At the moment if I specify say june to june 15, the field 1 - populates with only June 15 payroll data but the field = 4 - brings in several years of data back.
Any ideas on how to include further instances of {PRDT.EDLCode} = x
Did you used parenthesis correctly with the OR operations? I mean, it should be:
I am not sure about Crystal Reports, but in SQL the logical operator AND has precedence over OR, like you can check here. So, you need the parenthesis.